mkinit.util.util_import module

This file was autogenerated based on code in ubelt


Extract a constant value from a node if possible


Returns valid tags an extension module might have



mkinit.util.util_import._static_parse(varname, fpath)[source]

Statically parse the a constant variable from a python file


>>> # xdoctest: +SKIP("ubelt dependency")
>>> dpath = ub.Path.appdir('tests/import/staticparse').ensuredir()
>>> fpath = (dpath / '')
>>> fpath.write_text('a = {1: 2}')
>>> assert _static_parse('a', fpath) == {1: 2}
>>> fpath.write_text('a = 2')
>>> assert _static_parse('a', fpath) == 2
>>> fpath.write_text('a = "3"')
>>> assert _static_parse('a', fpath) == "3"
>>> fpath.write_text('a = ["3", 5, 6]')
>>> assert _static_parse('a', fpath) == ["3", 5, 6]
>>> fpath.write_text('a = ("3", 5, 6)')
>>> assert _static_parse('a', fpath) == ("3", 5, 6)
>>> fpath.write_text('b = 10' + chr(10) + 'a = None')
>>> assert _static_parse('a', fpath) is None
>>> import pytest
>>> with pytest.raises(TypeError):
>>>     fpath.write_text('a = list(range(10))')
>>>     assert _static_parse('a', fpath) is None
>>> with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
>>>     fpath.write_text('a = list(range(10))')
>>>     assert _static_parse('c', fpath) is None

Returns .so, .pyd, or .dylib depending on linux, win or mac. On python3 return the previous with and without abi (e.g. .cpython-35m-x86_64-linux-gnu) flags. On python2 returns with and without multiarch.



mkinit.util.util_import._syspath_modname_to_modpath(modname, sys_path=None, exclude=None)[source]

syspath version of modname_to_modpath

  • modname (str) – name of module to find

  • sys_path (None | List[str | PathLike]) – The paths to search for the module. If unspecified, defaults to sys.path.

  • exclude (List[str | PathLike] | None) – If specified prevents these directories from being searched. Defaults to None.


path to the module.

Return type:



This is much slower than the pkgutil mechanisms.

There seems to be a change to the editable install mechanism: Trying to find more docs about it.

TODO: add a test where we make an editable install, regular install, standalone install, and check that we always find the right path.


>>> print(_syspath_modname_to_modpath('xdoctest.static_analysis'))
>>> print(_syspath_modname_to_modpath('xdoctest'))
>>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(CPython)
>>> print(_syspath_modname_to_modpath('_ctypes'))
>>> assert _syspath_modname_to_modpath('xdoctest', sys_path=[]) is None
>>> assert _syspath_modname_to_modpath('xdoctest.static_analysis', sys_path=[]) is None
>>> assert _syspath_modname_to_modpath('_ctypes', sys_path=[]) is None
>>> assert _syspath_modname_to_modpath('this', sys_path=[]) is None


>>> # test what happens when the module is not visible in the path
>>> modname = 'xdoctest.static_analysis'
>>> modpath = _syspath_modname_to_modpath(modname)
>>> exclude = [split_modpath(modpath)[0]]
>>> found = _syspath_modname_to_modpath(modname, exclude=exclude)
>>> if found is not None:
>>>     # Note: the basic form of this test may fail if there are
>>>     # multiple versions of the package installed. Try and fix that.
>>>     other = split_modpath(found)[0]
>>>     assert other not in exclude
>>>     exclude.append(other)
>>>     found = _syspath_modname_to_modpath(modname, exclude=exclude)
>>> if found is not None:
>>>     raise AssertionError(
>>>         'should not have found {}.'.format(found) +
>>>         ' because we excluded: {}.'.format(exclude) +
>>>         ' cwd={} '.format(os.getcwd()) +
>>>         ' sys.path={} '.format(sys.path)
>>>     )
mkinit.util.util_import.modname_to_modpath(modname, hide_init=True, hide_main=False, sys_path=None)[source]

Finds the path to a python module from its name.

Determines the path to a python module without directly import it

Converts the name of a module (__name__) to the path (__file__) where it is located without importing the module. Returns None if the module does not exist.

  • modname (str) – The name of a module in sys_path.

  • hide_init (bool) – if False, will be returned for packages. Defaults to True.

  • hide_main (bool) – if False, and hide_init is True, will be returned for packages, if it exists. Defautls to False.

  • sys_path (None | List[str | PathLike]) – The paths to search for the module. If unspecified, defaults to sys.path.


modpath - path to the module, or None if it doesn’t exist

Return type:

str | None


>>> modname = 'xdoctest.__main__'
>>> modpath = modname_to_modpath(modname, hide_main=False)
>>> assert modpath.endswith('')
>>> modname = 'xdoctest'
>>> modpath = modname_to_modpath(modname, hide_init=False)
>>> assert modpath.endswith('')
>>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(CPython)
>>> modpath = basename(modname_to_modpath('_ctypes'))
>>> assert 'ctypes' in modpath
mkinit.util.util_import.normalize_modpath(modpath, hide_init=True, hide_main=False)[source]

Normalizes __init__ and __main__ paths.

  • modpath (str | PathLike) – path to a module

  • hide_init (bool) – if True, always return package modules as files otherwise always return the dpath. Defaults to True.

  • hide_main (bool) – if True, always strip away main files otherwise ignore Defaults to False.


a normalized path to the module

Return type:

str | PathLike


Adds __init__ if reasonable, but only removes __main__ by default


>>> from xdoctest import static_analysis as module
>>> modpath = module.__file__
>>> assert normalize_modpath(modpath) == modpath.replace('.pyc', '.py')
>>> dpath = dirname(modpath)
>>> res0 = normalize_modpath(dpath, hide_init=0, hide_main=0)
>>> res1 = normalize_modpath(dpath, hide_init=0, hide_main=1)
>>> res2 = normalize_modpath(dpath, hide_init=1, hide_main=0)
>>> res3 = normalize_modpath(dpath, hide_init=1, hide_main=1)
>>> assert res0.endswith('')
>>> assert res1.endswith('')
>>> assert not res2.endswith('.py')
>>> assert not res3.endswith('.py')
mkinit.util.util_import.modpath_to_modname(modpath, hide_init=True, hide_main=False, check=True, relativeto=None)[source]

Determines importable name from file path

Converts the path to a module (__file__) to the importable python name (__name__) without importing the module.

The filename is converted to a module name, and parent directories are recursively included until a directory without an file is encountered.

  • modpath (str) – module filepath

  • hide_init (bool, default=True) – removes the __init__ suffix

  • hide_main (bool, default=False) – removes the __main__ suffix

  • check (bool, default=True) – if False, does not raise an error if modpath is a dir and does not contain an __init__ file.

  • relativeto (str | None, default=None) – if specified, all checks are ignored and this is considered the path to the root module.




Return type:



ValueError – if check is True and the path does not exist


>>> from xdoctest import static_analysis
>>> modpath = static_analysis.__file__.replace('.pyc', '.py')
>>> modpath = modpath.replace('.pyc', '.py')
>>> modname = modpath_to_modname(modpath)
>>> assert modname == 'xdoctest.static_analysis'


>>> import xdoctest
>>> assert modpath_to_modname(xdoctest.__file__.replace('.pyc', '.py')) == 'xdoctest'
>>> assert modpath_to_modname(dirname(xdoctest.__file__.replace('.pyc', '.py'))) == 'xdoctest'


>>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(CPython)
>>> modpath = modname_to_modpath('_ctypes')
>>> modname = modpath_to_modname(modpath)
>>> assert modname == '_ctypes'


>>> modpath = '/foo/'
>>> modname = modpath_to_modname(modpath, check=False)
>>> assert modname == 'libfoobar'
mkinit.util.util_import.split_modpath(modpath, check=True)[source]

Splits the modpath into the dir that must be in PYTHONPATH for the module to be imported and the modulepath relative to this directory.

  • modpath (str) – module filepath

  • check (bool) – if False, does not raise an error if modpath is a directory and does not contain an file.


(directory, rel_modpath)

Return type:

Tuple[str, str]


ValueError – if modpath does not exist or is not a package


>>> from xdoctest import static_analysis
>>> modpath = static_analysis.__file__.replace('.pyc', '.py')
>>> modpath = abspath(modpath)
>>> dpath, rel_modpath = split_modpath(modpath)
>>> recon = join(dpath, rel_modpath)
>>> assert recon == modpath
>>> assert rel_modpath == join('xdoctest', '')