mkinit.static_mkinit module

Static version of mkinit.dynamic_autogen

mkinit.static_mkinit.autogen_init(modpath_or_name, submodules=None, respect_all=True, options=None, dry=False, diff=False, recursive=False)[source]

Autogenerates imports for a package file.

  • modpath_or_name (PathLike | str) – path to or name of a package module. The path should reference the dirname not the file. If specified by name, must be findable from the PYTHONPATH.

  • submodules (List[str] | None, default=None) – if specified, then only these specific submodules are used in package generation. Otherwise, all non underscore prefixed modules are used.

  • respect_all (bool, default=True) – if False the __all__ attribute is ignored while parsing.

  • options (dict | None) – formatting options; customizes how output is formatted. See formatting._ensure_options for defaults.

  • dry (bool, default=False) – if True, the autogenerated string is not written

  • recursive (bool, default=False) – if True, we will autogenerate init files for all subpackages.


This will partially override the __init__ file. By default everything up to the last comment / __future__ import is preserved, and everything after is overriden. For more fine grained control, you can specify XML-like # <AUTOGEN_INIT> and # </AUTOGEN_INIT> comments around the volitle area. If specified only the area between these tags will be overwritten.

To autogenerate a module on demand, its useful to keep a doctr comment in the __init__ file like this

python -m mkinit <your_module>


>>> init_fpath, new_text = autogen_init('mkinit', submodules=None,
>>>                                     respect_all=True,
>>>                                     dry=True)
>>> assert 'autogen_init' in new_text
mkinit.static_mkinit.static_init(modpath_or_name, submodules=None, respect_all=True, options=None)[source]

Returns the autogenerated initialization string. This can either be executed with exec or directly copied into the file.